Sunday, May 10, 2015

Beauty products to cook and eat

cook and eat
Eva and Julia complete their internship in Morlaix Bafa youth work. For their last day yesterday, they proposed a care and original wellness workshop.

On a table in a room of Morlaix local youth work (Shift), everything you need to be eating: sugar, honey, eggs, milk, fruit ... A cooking workshop? Not really. Julia, 32, teaches girls how to make their beauty products with few resources.

"These are recipes from a terrible simplicity, she says. They are cheap and easy to produce. "On the menu: a honey-based beauty mask and cottage cheese (which can be eaten if left!), Sugar based exfoliants, salt or coffee or the cleansing milk composed only of ... cow's milk.

A workshop directed to girls

"These are things we have forgotten, says Julia, but for centuries women remove their makeup with cow's milk. It works as well as cleansing milk and in addition it does not sting the eyes. "In tandem with Eva, 21, Maj they perform an internship as part of their Bafa. Eva is a hairdresser retraining to work in the field of early childhood.

"I give a lot of advice in shampoos, the hair straightener, care at home, she states. I realize that girls like boys need counseling. "

The aim of the maneuver is also to build confidence young Maj: well-being and self-esteem are the two objectives of the workshop.

Finally, even if it is open to boys, this workshop is directed towards girls: "A Maj there are as many girls as boys now finds Vanessa Guengant, host youth in the structure. They meet there in the business, but very few girls enroll. The idea is also to offer them workshops that correspond to them. "