Sunday, July 19, 2015


To fight against oily skin and blemishes accompanying, continue with homemade organic cosmetics with that face purifying mask for oily skin to self. Discover the recipe effective home

to fight against enlarged pores and blackheads, to find a perfect complexion with natural ingredients suitable for problem skin.

Dull skin, shining forehead, large pores, blackheads, skin problems and other shortcomings: difficult to take care of his fat combination skin prone to acne. To help rebalance oily skin problems, it is important to regulate excess sebum to absorb the excess. A dull and sallow complexion may be due to stress, sunlight, improper use of cosmetic products, certain drugs or pills, poor diet, heat, pollution or tobacco. Both attacks that make the delicate skin and clog pores.

Effective treatment for oily skin repair involves choosing a beauty product for your skin type. The best way to neutralize and treat the skin of his face is to make your own facial house with an effective recipe scrub mask for oily skin.
Through effective beauty recipe bio purifying mask oily skin to anti-self, you insist on the T-zone of the face (nose, forehead, chin). The combination of food with good astringent for the skin - strawberry, honey, egg white and dab dry-type oil - helps tighten the pores of the skin matt and glossy fight against unsightly.

Once the homemade facial mask applied, your skin regains its purity. The result is a perfect, radiant, glowing and bright skin for zero defect completely purified. A beauty reflex to adopt to regain a beautiful glowing and supple skin. As a bonus, your face will regain its energy, without shine! Revitaminée and your skin will thank you!

100% natural ingredients homemade:
The key ingredient: strawberry agent who will fight against the brilliance.

- ½ tablespoon of hazelnut oil or jojoba oil or sesame oil (all three of the non-fat oils matifient skin)

- 6 strawberries (to remove dead cells)

- 1 egg white (to fight against bacteria)

+ 3 drops of essential oil of lemon or fresh lemon juice (which gives tone and dries the skin)

- 1 bowl

- 1 fork

Oily skin mask recipe home:
Wash strawberries and mash with a fork in a bowl. Add the egg white and mix thoroughly. Submerge the whole of dry oil. Mix all ingredients. Then add the essential oil or lemon juice, stirring and complete one last time.

Application Tips:
Apply to face washed (preferably with a scrub to remove dead skin). Leave on for 20 minutes - until the texture of the mask becomes dry, then rinse. To renew every week.

Good to know: the mask to complete action anti-purifying oily skin

Some foods help to limit the production of sebum so avoid pizza, sandwiches and biscuits for the benefit of colorful fruits and vegetables, shrimp, whole grains or green tea.