Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Fungal Nail Infection

Fungal Nail Infection
Photo: Gemma Booth/Trunk Archive 
(healthline) April Khan and Elly Dock - Fungal infections can affect any part of the body, from the skin to the eyes. Fungi are normally present in and around the body along with bacteria. When a fungus begins to overgrow, an infection can occur.

Onychomycosis (also called tinea unguium) is a fungal infection that affects the nails. Fungal infections normally develop over time, so any immediate difference in the way your nail looks or feels may be too subtle to notice at first.

There are many different causes of fungal nail infections, and each cause has a treatment of its own. Although many of the causes of onychomycosis are preventable, some risk factors increase the likelihood of developing it. You are more likely to develop a fungal nail infection if you:

- have diabetes
- have a disease that affects the blood vessels
- are an older woman
- wear artificial nails
- swim in a public swimming pool
- have a nail injury
- have moist fingers or toes for an extended time
- have a weakened immune system
- wear closed shoes, such as tennis shoes or boots
- According to the University of California Student Health and Counseling Services, fungal infections   affect toenails more commonly than fingernails.

Fungal nail infections are treatable in most cases; however, the fungus can return after treatment or cause future complications.

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