Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Take Your Workouts Outside and On the Go

Julia Zammito (totalbodyresults.com)
It’s been a long, long… long winter for many parts of the country, but warm weather is finally here, so get outside and enjoy it! Warm weather is good for more than BBQs and lazy days on the beach. There are thousands of ways to get in a fun and effective
workout outdoors – and for many of the things you don’t even need your own equipment. You can easily use your surroundings. I’m going to get you started on a number of outdoor workout ideas, but you don’t have to stop there. Get creative and think of your own, too.


There are so many amazing workouts that you can get from simply using an ordinary park bench in different ways. For each of these exercises, do at least three sets of 10-20 reps.
Here are just a few examples:

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