Thursday, August 27, 2015

Vaseline: product of sovereign and cheap beauty

Used to repair small cuts, the vaseline also a true cometic and vitamin a rich experience e. vertus ten little known miracle of this product.

- This is perfect for repair and hydrationWith its texture halfway between jelly and cream, Vaseline is a powerful moisturizer. Its nourishing power can repair any area of ​​the body. Ideal in case of tightness of the skin, irritation or skin droughts, simply apply a thin layer you do enter, or poultices when it comes to repairing deep. If you have cracked heels feet, apply petroleum jelly and effective results, put on socks, leaving it on overnight.
- This is a concealerThickly applied the night before, and accompanied by a facial massage with emphasis on the eye, petroleum jelly will reduce puffiness and dark circles in the morning.

- This is an after-shave
Shaving can be accompanied by burns and other ingrown hairs. To avoid all these inconveniences, crémez your legs after showering, especially when the skin is still damp. Add a knob of your regular moisturizer and wrap your legs in a warm towel. This process opens the pores to allow deep penetration of the assets.
- This is sovereign before sportsBlisters, skin irritations ... so many small problems that can quickly ruin a workout. To fight against friction, apply petroleum jelly on his hands, feet and hips before exercise.

- It's a boost in length and shineVaseline can be particularly helpful when it comes to improve the gloss or hair regrowth, as for the eyelashes.
For hair, use it as if it were a conditioner, leave for a few minutes then rinse with your regular shampoo.
On eyelashes, use a brush adapted to this sensitive area or an empty mascara in which you slide a little Vaseline inside. A tip to apply the evening so that the eyelashes can regenerate overnight.
- This is an exfoliant
Combined with a little sugar, petroleum jelly becomes exfoliating house. When winter comes or if you tend to have chapped lips, apply this mixture gently massaging, and once or twice a week.
- This is a fragrance amplifierTo maximize your perfume, it is first necessary to emphasize certain body parts. Before applying the strategic places, consider a listing spreading layer of Vaseline, then your perfume will last much longer.

- This is an anti-smudgeLipstick on the teeth? The fear of all women. So instead of drawing his pocket mirror to carry out checks every 30 seconds, put some Vaseline on your teeth before applying your favorite red.
- This is a fixer BrowFor structured eyebrows, put Vaseline on a eyebrow comb, and before shaping them. Its gelatinous composition will ensure better maintenance.

- This is very useful for manicures
Ask varnish without exceeding still a formidable test. To facilitate its application, spread the petroleum jelly around your nails. Its oily texture varnish prevents hanging skin, and therefore overflow.