Ms. Fit, feminist health, feminist fitness, women's health, women's fitness
I confess: I like to be sore after a workout. I’m not talking about
the gentle stiffness and warmth you feel bending to remove your gym shoes.
I’m talking about
DOMS—Delayed Onset Muscle Syndrome. DOMS is like that serial killer that hides in the backseat the whole drive away from the last attack, biding his time while you frantically check the rearview to make certain you are safe. DOMS generally starts up 8-12 hours after a workout, might intensify over 24 hours, and lasts up to 72 hours.
I first started getting DOMS when I started studying Pilates seven years ago. If you’ve had it, you remember it. If you had it severely, you likely laid off the workouts for a few days while you figured out how to pick up your leg with your arms to mount a stair, or asked old ladies to open your can of diet coke because you couldn’t grip anything.
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