Thursday, October 16, 2014

Get Luscious Lips: Four Winter Lip Balms To Try Today

As a nation, we're a little bit addicted to lip balm. It's the one product that's guilt-free, filed under a 'must have' beauty product rather than a little indulgence; even my makeup-free friends have upwards of twenty lip balms stashed in their bedrooms. I'm as guilty as the next person, always having at least three different incarnations on my person - I get a little panicked if I don't have a balm to lubricate my lips and ensure they're free from that horrendous dry sensation. Although I've already got a huge stash of lip balms and enough to get me through to 2020, there's no reason why I can't keep expanding my collection and celebrating the wonderous products that are out there to help us through the colder season. Here are four new favourites that you need to try...