Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Health: your nails speak for you!

The appearance of your nails can reveal a pathology, and how you maintain them, harming your health.

• Their colorBlue-purple: when the nail bed thus hue, it is the sign of a circulation disorder, such as Raynaud's disease. The coloring also then touch the fingertips.

Dotted with white: this translated into any deficiency nothing but simply a disorder of the transitional maturation of the nail (in children) or microtrauma in manual workers. Nothing serious.

Tinted yellow: when all the nails are involved, it is the "yellow nail syndrome": a lympho-edema, a disease that involves swelling of the lower limbs and an ENT or lung disease. In this case, the nail growth is also very slow. If in isolation, the nail color of yellowish-white, then it is a sign of fungal infection.

Brown, black, gray: if the staining follows a trauma, it is a hematoma. But if it occurs gradually and forms a spot, halo or a longitudinal black band, it can indicate the presence of melanoma ...
• Their appearanceCrumbly, brittle: nails of this type reflect primarily an excess of water contact, for, like a sponge, nail inflates, deflates and thus weakens ...
Striated: aging often accelerates striation ... who can also appear very early. This very unequal phenomenon should not worry.
Convex: when the nail is very accentuated curved, deformed finger "drumstick", it is a clubbing sign of a lung disease involving a disorder of oxygenation.

• Their maintenance
Cup: it is obviously necessary to avoid injury. The hands of the nails grow by an average of 3.5 mm per month; those feet, 1mm per month. Slower drives may follow the use of certain medications, including cancer chemotherapy.

Cuticle: they form a protection against inflammatory and infectious phenomena (mycoses) and should never be cut but gently pushed.

Varnish: their quality is much improved, it is not imperative to let the nails breathe between two applications. Except to avoid yellowing (and benign) of the nail plate. Which, if not dry out, really needs to be cleaned with solvent acetone-free ...