Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tattoo: Six tips to be ready on D-Day

Tattoo: Six tips to be ready on D-Day
You decided to get a tattoo? Before and after D-Day, it is important to take some precautions for your tattoo heals, and therefore aging, in the best conditions. gives us his advice.

Tattoo: Six tips to be ready on D-Day

Before the tattoo ...
Do not apply on her skin
If you thought qu'hydrater his skin before going under the needle was a good idea: error. Or at least, not in the 24 hours before ... Do not apply moisturizer and especially not anesthetic. Under anesthesia, the resistance of the skin changes. Without it, it reacts with the needle and creates resistance. When the skin is anesthetized, it reacts more needle pricks and therefore deeper. In this case, the ink may spread and appearance of the tattoo will be less accurate, less beautiful.

Tips: If the tattooed area is dry, moisturize throughout the week before the tattoo. You can also exfoliate but it must be done 48 hours before as this can irritate the skin. The latter must not have any cuts, sunburn or signs of irritation.

Not to shave
Tattooed know that before being stitched, the tattoo artist shaves the party. And to avoid brownouts all, it is better not to do it at home before getting a tattoo. When you shave the day before, the day may appear small sores or small skin inflammation. This can be annoying for the proper performance of the tattoo.

Tips: If you really want to remove yourself your hair, nothing prevents you to remove hair the day before.

Be on the wagon
Some ignore it, but the day before and on the day, you should not drink alcohol. This thinning the blood, when bitten, bleeding may be more significant. More tattooing is bleeding, there will be more crusts. And there will be scabs, there will be more risk to make alterations.

Tips: Before coming to be a tattoo artist, the ideal is to have eaten and slept well. Get there in good conditions.

After the tattoo ...
Hydrate 2 to 3 times per day
Just after the tattoo when you get home, remove the protection that you have asked the tattooist. Clean your tattoo with mild soap and let dry. Apply a thin layer the healing cream. It is important to apply a thin layer to fully let the skin breathe and does not clog pores. This interview is to do 2-3 times a day for about two weeks. But the tattoo artist says it all depends skins and tattoos. A small tattoo with simple lines heal faster with a big flat colors. In all cases, it is important that the skin be hydrated all the time.

Do not take a bath
Shower every day is essential. But be careful not to stay too long under water. When tattoo will heal, there will be a formation of crusts. And if they are too in water, they may be softened which will prevent the tattoo heal properly.

Always protect your tattoo from the sun
Your tattoo is for life, it will therefore take care ... for life. Avoid exposing the tattooed part of the sun in the first month. After, you need to systematically protect with sunscreen. For if the skin is damaged, tattooing and colors too.