Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Hair: 4 tricks to give them volume

You know what you say: "You are never content with what you have." A phrase that also applies to hair. Fortunately, for those who find their hair too "raplapla", there are tricks to give them volume.

1 - Rinse with cold water
Washing your hair at less than 30 ° C helps to reduce static electricity, tone up and make them shine. If this trick seems easier to say, the result will be more than satisfactory.

2 - Avoid the hair dryer
The hair dryer is not really the ally of flat hair, like dry hair. Prefer the rubbing with a towel before crumpling in the hands and leave as much as possible in the open air. If you use it, think to dry your hair upside down and adjust the heat to warm to give them a minimum volume.

3 - Choose a capped-haircut
The opportunity to succumb to the undulating trend that persists and will give volume to your hair. You can also get into the habit of wrinkling your mane in the morning to give a very casual-chic coiffed-disheveled effect.

4 - Change to color
Opting for a sweeping or shaded hair will give an illusion of volume to your hair. Note that the colorations cause the hair to swell, a tip more than indicated for those who would like to change their heads!