Friday, September 11, 2015

Abs: 5 full years

You want to work your abs? We offer 5 full years for the large rectus abdominis, transverse, oblique and large breakfast.

Tips:Pull your stomach and tighten your abs.Allow 24 hours for muscles to recover.Good average: 3-4 times a week.Vary the exercises every month so that the body does not get used.Before any physical activity, consult your doctor.

Program DetailsCircuit:5 years30 seconds per exerciseMake the circuit 3 times

For beginners:Exercise duration = recovery time (30 seconds = 30 seconds). Which give :1 year 30 seconds30 seconds of recoveryAnd so on1 minute recovery between each circuitIf the recovery time is longer than the duration of exercise, the exercise will not be effective.
For people confirmed:5 exercises chained without recoveryRecovery 30 seconds to 1 minute before switching to the next circuit


ScissorsLying (e) on the back, arms along the body, the raised legs straight.Raise one leg and then the other (alternating), without ever touching the ground.


ObliqueElongated (e) on the side (providing a mat to be placed in the hip), the body must be aligned (legs in extension of the head and trunk).Fit the two legs as high as possible (the feet and legs are glued) and down. Always control the descent.
Tip: If you put your hand on your hip and you feel it shrinks, you work well. Otherwise you have to start over!


Grand rectus abdominisLying (e) on the back, knees bent, feet on the floor, chin to the sky, facing the bust (without pulling on the neck), hands behind the head or, preferably cross on the chest.Up to the knees and go drag the hands on the knees.


Lower abdomenLying (e) on the back, arms along the body, keep your back glued to the ground (very important!), Legs straight (up to 90 degrees).Up and down without touching the ground.
Tip: Hold on to something fixed and solid (a table or cabinet) to avoid pulling back. If you are unable to pass a hand between your back and the floor is that you have found the right position.
Did you know ? This exercise helps to work the lower abdomen, the most difficult part to muscles (abdominals level). This is where mainly come to stay fat. Exercise alone will not to "lose" at this level, it is also recommended to monitor his diet.

Crunch with angled legsLying (e) on the back, arms crossed on the chest preferably, chin to the sky, climb and descend the upper body without ever touching the ground or move the legs (they must remain at right angles).Mastering the descent: it also works to that time.It expires in amount, it draws down.