Friday, December 9, 2016

6 Tips to Make Skin With Blackheads

6 Tips to Make Skin With Blackheads
Just like acne, blackheads are the nightmare of all faces. Yet this is one of the most common beauty problems. Fortunately, there are many treatments to prevent the onset and eliminate them. Cap on our 6 infallible tricks!

1. Cleansing the skin is vital
In order to get rid of ugly blackheads once and for all, it is imperative to take care of his face every day. Morning and evening (especially at night), a routine is required: a make-up remover adapted to your skin followed by a mild cleansing gel that will rid it of all the impurities accumulated during the day. If your skin is particularly reactive, you may end up with a spray of thermal water that will rinse it gently. The skin is so healthy, free of the impurities that block our pores and favor the arrival of blackheads.
Finally, apply an anti-imperfections lotion once a day (it is cracked for the Very Active Active Lotion Anti-imperfections of Mixa, enriched in purifying zinc and adapted to the sensitive skins).

2. Facial sauna, our best ally
Boil water in a saucepan and place your face on top for about ten minutes. The vapor will dilate your pores and facilitate the extraction of blackheads. If you remove them yourself, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before using a tissue.

3. Exfoliation, a good weekly reflex
Making a gentle scrub once or twice a week makes it possible to eliminate all the impurities in depth. If you have reactive skin, prefer a gumming without grains (based on acids or enzymes) that will "nibble" the impurities without attacking your skin, and without needing to scrub the face.

4. The clay mask, the magic ingredient
A clay mask is another effective solution. The clay draws sebum and impurities to the outside. Apply the mask only once a week on areas prone to blackheads to aspirate them and prevent their appearance.

5. The anti-comedo strip for an express result
For quick results, you can opt for anti-comedo strips. The latter soften the plugs and attract the duo dead cells / sebum to the outside of the skin. The dirt sticks inside the patch and there is a clearer skin. But beware, remove the tape very delicately so as not to attack the skin! A method to avoid if one has the skin particularly sensitive and reactive.

6. Make an appointment with the beautician
Removing blackheads without damaging the epidermis or causing inflammation requires a lot of attention. Do not hesitate to make an appointment with your esthetician for a thorough cleaning, or to your dermatologist so that you can learn how to eradicate them safely.